It is that time of year again where we can finally get out and spend some quality time with our pets. As the temperatures rise there are some precautions you should take to ensure the safety of your little buddies. The most important one is preventing heat stroke. Because everyone has been cooped up all winter it is tempting to stay out a little longer and play a little harder. We may not realize how hot it really is. Pets will generally not let you know when they are in trouble until it is too late. The best prevention is to go early in the day or later in the evening and take plenty of water for both of you. Limit your time in the sun. In areas where it gets really hot it might be better to go twice a day, once in the morning and again at night. And please...DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PET IN YOUR VEHICLE. Even with the windows down it can be a deadly mistake. I have seen a dog go through heat stroke. It is not a pleasant I will never forget. They did not survive.
Visit Koby's Best Choice Pet Supplies for all your pet's needs.